Today the Physical Therapist came in to try to get him to start walking. He took a couple of steps towards me which was a huge accomplishment! It has been over a week since he has walked, so even that little bit of movement was great!
They also cut back his fluid today since his kidneys are functioning fine. This is so nice, since now, the only time he needs hooked up to the IV is when he is getting his antibiotic 3 times a day. At least he feels a little more free.
His blood count is really starting to drop, which is what they expect. This means that the chemo is doing it’s job. The bad part of this is that he is very prone to infections and sickness when his counts are so low, so we have to keep him away from contact with others. He has to wear a mask when he leaves his room. I have learned so much information in the past week it is overwhelming… it is like taking a whole semester of classes in one week.
by evanshou