Some days are good and some not so much… yesterday and today were really good! He was feeling good and wanting to play. We spent a lot of yesterday playing “cooking” and worked on walking with the wagon. His legs seemed a lot stronger and I wasn’t needing to help him stand so much. It was so nice to have him interested in playing and wanting to walk.
Yesterday I also found out that the mother of one of Owen’s good friends in his class at daycare has ALL too. She was diagnosed in May of this year and they are treating her with the same type of protocol that they do children. It is amazing how every time I talk to someone, I found out someone else who has this or has gone through this before. It is so nice to have support from so many different places.
Owen has also been doing awesome at taking his medicine which is soooo nice for the whole family. He uses goldfish as his “chaser”, but he is doing so good that even in the middle of the day today he said “I’m ready to take my medicine!” Not sure if it is because he is hungry since I am trying to limit the amount of food so it doesn’t make him sick, and he knows he gets goldfish when he takes his medicine… whatever it is, I would much rather have him ask for it, than feel like I am forcing it on him.
Today was his first clinic visit for chemo. We got to meet his new doctors. I am not sure if I had mentioned before, but the doctor that we had is leaving at the end of January, so she wants to go ahead and transition us over to the other team for us to get used to them. They seemed really great. The fellow is actually the one who was there in the ED to explain his diagnosis the night we found out, and the other is the Oncologist. He is the same doctor the son of my neighbor across the street had, and they really liked him. Can you believe that? Two kids on the same street with Leukemia… he was in high school when he was diagnosed, and is now healthy and enjoying life at PSU. I love hearing success stories. Sorry to digress… Owen had the push of the chemo and then the hard part. He had to get his bandage off that was holding his access tubes in for us to give him his antibiotic the past week. He hates getting that bandage off. He was very brave and did a great job.
That’s all for tonight. I am looking forward to not having to get up at midnight and 1 to do his antibiotic. I think he will be happy about that too. For the past few nights, when I would be hooking him up he would say “Just let me SLEEP!!”.
by evanshou
Hello Renee,
It’s so good to see Owen doing good and getting around so well, he is adorable! Thank you for keeping us posted on here, as we are all constantly thinking of him. I am praying that he continues to do well on his road to recovery, as always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!
We miss you here at O’Hara!