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Owen’s Leukemia – Day 91

Another day of not talking… the insides of his cheeks are all white.  Basically a mouth full of ulcers.  So, if you know the pain of having one little ulcer in your mouth, just imagine if the whole inside of your mouth (and probably down your throat) was like that.  I called the hospital again today, and they want to see him tomorrow.  He hasn’t eaten anything since Sunday night, and is only drinking water.  He has had a couple sips of apple juice, but we can’t get him to drink much.  I think they want to give him fluids and take a look at him.

Communication is extremely rough.  He just points to things.  I have to try to guess, and then he isn’t really good about even giving a head nod.  He feels so miserable…

I had to call the hospital again tonight because we don’t think we are going to be able to get his heart medicine in him and didn’t know how big of a problem that was going to be.  The Oncologist that I talked with said one dose shouldn’t be too bad.  She said we should pack some bags for tomorrow because they might admit him.  She said this is usually the time during the treatment that the kids get these, and they end up with a fever.  Hopefully I will have some better news tomorrow night.

Miss PattyFebruary 19, 2013 - 9:29 pm

Keeping Owen in my daily prayers. He is a fighter!!!

Diane RoachFebruary 20, 2013 - 8:15 am

My heart aches for Owen. I’ll be thinking of him non stop. xxoo

ethans momFebruary 20, 2013 - 9:58 am

thinking about you. Do you need anything? Dinner for logan and dad?

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