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Owen’s Leukemia – Day 120

Start of Delayed Intensification.  Owen wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything today because of his spinal tap.  His appointment wasn’t until 2:00pm, so he was not a happy boy.  I felt so bad for him because he was so hungry.  We tried to let him eat late last night, but that really didn’t help much.

His counts were all good for them to begin this phase.  They were lower than they were last appointment, but not too bad.  The procedure went well.  The Anesthesiologist had to give him an extra dose of the Ketamine because as the doctor started to insert the needle into the spinal fluid he twitched, so they gave him some more.  I am so glad that the one drug they give makes them not remember the whole procedure.  If he did, I am sure we wouldn’t be able to get him to the hospital each week.  So, with the combination of the drugs, and the lack of a nap yesterday, he was out… for a while.  Finally, around 5:30 pm he was awake enough to get him to the car to head home.

He has been doing pretty good this evening.  He started back on the steroid today, which he hates the taste of, so that is a challenge.  I do my best to crush it and mix it with sugar water and cherry syrup, but he still fights to get it down.


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