I was really not looking forward to getting Owen to the hospital today, but he did pretty good. He put up fights each step of the way, but didn’t completely resist. I think it is so much easier when we go in to the clinic… he knows the nurses, he knows his Doctor it is just a better experience.
Since he had the allergic reaction to the PEG last week, he is going to have to get 6 doses of Erwinia starting on Monday. The standard of care, which is how it was done prior to the PEG, was to do the Erwinia via a shot into the leg muscle. In Europe and Canada they deliver it through the vein, but the FDA has not approved this method in the US. Our hospital is participating in a study to try to get it approved to do the IV method and we have that option. I originally thought that was going to be the best option, since that is how he is used to getting medicine and it seemed to just make sense. Today we found out that since it is a study, they need to do extra blood work 5 minutes prior and 5 minutes after giving the dose, and they can’t do the draw through the same location. So, he would have to have his port accessed, plus get an IV in his arm. He would also have to have two additional EKG’s throughout the study. After hearing all of this, we are thinking that maybe a shot in the leg will be the easier alternative.
He got his chemo today and seems ok tonight. No appetite, but feeling alright. Hope he gets a good nights sleep.
by evanshou