Where has the time gone? Summer flew by, and school started yesterday! It almost seems impossible. We had a great summer. The boys had fun swimming, playing outside with the neighbors and visiting cousins. Owen has been feeling great and was so excited to start first grade! He is also starting soccer next week! We’ll see how this goes. He has tried it twice in the past and said “I just don’t like soccer.” But, this summer, when his brother played he said he loved it and wanted to play in the fall. Boy scouts also starts in September, so he is going to be a busy boy!
His past two treatments went well. They were the quick ones, but he still has the after effects for the next week. Tiredness and headaches are the biggest culprits. September we have another spinal tap. It is kinda nice that they switched our treatment days to Fridays, because now he has the weekend to recover before going back to school. I am nervous to see how he does though because it is a long day at school, and he is used to taking naps everyday for the week after his treatment. He is pretty familiar with the school nurses, so I am sure he will spend some time with them 😉
Here is a picture from the beach. I was planning on trying to get one of our whole family, but then forgot my tripod
by evanshou