Good news… today Owen’s one Doctor called to tell us that they had the pathology results that they do in house. There were no cancer cells in his spinal fluid or in the brain, so that is great news. There weren’t any there when he was diagnosed, but he has had cancer cells throughout his body all month, so it wasn’t to say that they couldn’t have gone to the spinal fluid or brain. So, that was super news. Now we are still patiently waiting for the MRD (Minimal Residual Disease) results that are still to come. They need to be under 1% to be good news.
We had a fun day doing crafts today and even went to the basement for a while so I could work on some things. He was riding his tricycle that was down there which I thought was Awesome for strengthening his legs. While we were down there, I managed to snap a quick shot of my little guy.
by evanshou
Oh wow, I do my hair the same way in the morning! Happy for the great news so far. Can’t wait to see you all in a week!
Terrific news!!!