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Owen’s Leukemia – Day 55

Happy Monday!  Everyone was doing good this morning, so I packed the boys up and we headed out for some errands.  I had some stuff to drop off at their school, so that was our first stop.  Owen put his mask on and we headed in so that he could say hi to his friends and teachers.  He was so happy to see everyone.  A little overwhelmed, but so excited.  We didn’t stay too long, but it was so nice for him to be there.

We have been all over the place with his sleep schedule ever since he was diagnosed.  In the hospital it was so hard to try to keep him on a schedule, and now that we are home, we just can’t seem to get him back in to it.  If he takes a nap in the afternoon, he doesn’t seem to be able to fall asleep until 3 or so, then he won’t go to bed at night.  But, if he skips his nap, by dinner time, he is beat.  It wouldn’t be so bad if we could just put him to bed at 7 and be done, but the one medicine he is on has to be taken 2 hours after he eats.  So, today we tried to skip the nap, and he could barely finish dinner, then he fell asleep with his head on the kitchen table!  I guess maybe we will start having to eat earlier… Can’t anything be easy?

Here is some “artwork” he did today… I thought the “yea, I did this” look was pretty funny.

Aunt CathyJanuary 15, 2013 - 8:00 am

What a masterpiece. Owen looks so proud of his work. Please give Owen a hug and kiss from The Reed’s.

PattyJanuary 15, 2013 - 9:28 pm

It was good to see Owen on Monday. He is loved by everyone at school. As you could see we all miss him. His picture looks like a rainbow!

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