Well, my Mom is doing fine. A little worn out, but on the mend.
We had a very enjoyable weekend. Daddy was back home, and the whole house was happy!!
Owen and I had a fun time playing dress up on Friday, and this is him being a Soccer player/King/Pirate/Super Hero. It’s hard being all those things at once, but he pulls it off quite nicely!
Saturday was kinda a lounge around day. We bought a new hard drive because we think ours is on the brink of crashing, so all weekend we have been backing stuff up. Still a little more to go. So, if my posts are a little sporadic this week, that is why. Here is Owen on the couch relaxing with his favorite snack of the moment… gummies.
We hope everyone had a great weekend.
by evanshou
Not many kids can really pull off a Soccer player/King/Pirate/Super Hero, but this kid does it well!