Turned out to be quite an interesting day. We went to the hospital this morning to start our long day there. They started us off in the infusion room so they could start hydrating Owen. They took his blood and he had some time to play before they could start anything. They had a little playroom on the floor so he was playing in there at the kitchen and workbench. They came back with the results from his bloodwork and his counts were too low. The ANC needed to be at least 750 and his was showing 400, so they wanted to count it manually. That usually gets a better read. That came back and it was only 240! So, they pushed all of his treatments for this week back to next Wednesday. It will give his body a week to build itself back up.
While there today, Mike the head of the Child Life Department on the 9th floor came in to tell Owen about the new treasure chest that they got. He didn’t know Owen so he was trying to get to know him a little bit. Owen had a baseball shirt on and was talking about playing. Well, while we were waiting for Owen’s counts, Mike came in and asked if he wanted to go to the Pirates game tonight. Of course Owen said yes! His Doctor was off today, so they asked one of the other Oncology Doctors if they thought it would be ok for him to go since his counts are so low, and they said it should be fine. The rest of his blood counts were fine.
He had the.best.time at the game tonight!! I think he had a smile on his face the ENTIRE time. As we were leaving he said “are we coming back tomorrow night?” I love it though, we watch them at home, so he know the players names and was cheering for them!! So, the day turned out way different than we had planned, and so much better.
Here is a shot of the boys.
by evanshou
So glad you were here. Meg is going to be thrilled to see this picture of Owen wearing the hat. That was the first one she completed by herself. Can’t wait to see the boys this summer. Love ya!
enjoy keeping up with owens progress and with all of you.i think hes doing really great with all hes dealing with,and looks adorable!
We continue to pray for Owen every day and sounds like some of our prayers have been answered. Love, Joanne&Barry
Hi Renee,
I just got caught up on your journal. He’s such a trooper! Hope you and Jeff are hanging in there. So much happening. I’m glad to read he’s doing well. Always thinking of you and the family.
Take care